With this release we propose the reproduction of a very particular instrument: a spinet built in 2022 by the harpsichord maker Roberto Marioni.
The instrument is owned by M° Gabriele Giunchi who proposed its sampling at the same time as that of the Grimaldi copy harpsichord.

Single keyboard of 53 notes C1-E5, plus an additional note for transposing from A 415 Hz to A 440 Hz (by moving the keyboard itself).
Single 8' stop.

It's a small studio instrument with a very characteristic timbre: we propose it for its originality and the relative rarity of sample sets of this kind.
The transposition, which in the original instrument is obtained by shift the keyboard, in the sample set is achieved with dedicated ranks rather than with the mechanical modeling of the keyboard movement; this solution is made necessary by the fact that the simple mechanical transposition would also involve tuning, making temperaments other than the equal unusable (and in fact even the original instrument must be retuned in case of transposing).
For this reason the original tuning is also installed as a temperament rather than being accessible from the menu, so that it can be used with both diapason.

set for hauptwerk

The sampling of the Marioni spinet was performed in a single session in January 2023.

The recording was made at 96 kHz and 24 bits, reduced to 48 kHz after processing. Given the location of the instrument in a very large and rather resonant room, we decided to produce a multi-release sampling in two perspectives: one frontal (sufficient given the very small size of the case) and the other from a distance of a few meters.
Thanks to the particularly low background noise during the recording sessions it was not necessary to intervene aggressively during post-production: for this reason the overall sound of the sample set is clear and fresh.

Memory requirements:

24 bit, all channels and all ranks, multirelease:approximately 1.5 GB

Graphic interface

Given the simplicity of the instrument, the graphic interface consists of only two tabs: the photorealistic reproduction of the spinet and the Options panel with the mixer and buttons for transposition from A 415 to A 440.


J. S. Bach: from Three Parts Inventions, Sinfonia 15 BWV 801 (MIDI performance from Musescore score)

Mixer settings: direct channel 50%; distant channel 100%

Request the demo

The demo version of the sample set for Hauptwerk 4.21 and all subsequent versions is fully functional, but a jingle has been inserted when releasing notes longer than 2 seconds; To download it, send a request via email using the button below.
The minimum bid for the sample set is euro 9.00; payment instructions will be provided, as usual, in the response mail.

Warning: do not change the subject of the message! The correct sending of the response containing the download instructions depends on it.

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